Tuesday, 18 December 2018

SLJ Day 2 Activity 3 - Weird and Wonderful

If a cactus uses 3 ml of water per day, the amount of water it would need to survive over a year is 3 * 365. It is so because there are 365 days a year so we need to multiply that from 3 and we would get 1095 ml or 1.095 liters.

So in ml the amount of water it would require for a cactus to survive is 1095 milliliters.

SLJ Day 2 Activity 2 - Fabulous Ferns

3 Sports Team with the word ' Fern ' included in them are :-

1. Football Fern
Image result for football ferns jersey

2. Black Ferns
Image result for black ferns jersey

3.Silver Ferns
Image result for silver ferns jersey

Out of all of the 3 above team jersey I like the design of Silver Ferns the most as it is very plain and good at the same time/

SLJ Day 2 Activity 1 - Giants Among Us

If I had a chance to go to Tāne Mahuta, then I would definitely go there as it has the world's largest Kauri tree which is only found in New Zealand. I would also like to see other endemic trees only  found in New Zealand to be in there and I would like to have a look at a lot of different type of trees.

SLJ Day 1 Activity 3 - Ice , Ice Baby

The above image shows the responsibility you have in the internet and how you can leave some digital footprints online. We should not leave bad footprints online.

Source:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sw7Q5MMX6E                                                

SLJ Day 1 Activity 2 - North and South

Even though I have been in New Zealand for only 3 months, I really like its geography, especially how New Zealand is divided into 2 islands, namely North and South Island. Today I will be talking about North Island as that is where I live. North Shore comprises of 77% of all the population in New Zealand and its most populated city, Auckland is where I live. I really like Auckland and how it has a lot of special land marks and buildings like the Sky Tower, The Art Gallery and The War Memorial.
Auckland is a nice place for Polynesian people as it is claimed to have the most amount of Polynesian People on Earth. Auckland is a nice place with a very calm and breeze like weather. There is no amount of  Pollution here and also the people here are very kind.

SLJ Day 1 Activity 1 - The Legend of New Zealand

Top 3 Fun Facts about New Zealand that I like are :-

1. The residents of New Zealand are also called Kiwis, but the name is not derived from the fruit but rather from the flightless bird.

2. The second fact that I like the most is that The Auckland City Sky Tower is 328 meters high making it the Tallest free standing structure in the Southern Hemisphere .

3. The third fact that I really like is that there are no snakes in the country.

Source:- https://www.newzealand.com/int/article/fun-facts-about-new-zealand/

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Skateboard Sculpture

The above  sculpture was made by me and Nytram. We call it SkaTeen. The inspiration to make the above sculpture is that a lot of teens nowadays are playing video games like Fortnite, PUBG, Black Ops 4 and are just playing for  lots of hours as soon as they come home and play until midnight. This, affects their sleep schedule, their studies and their eyes. They are not spending time going out on skateboards and bicycles to go to parks and do not take care of their health. So, that is why we made a skateboard for our project. The action figure on the top is Michelangelo from the show, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Michelangelo is a Teenager who likes video games and skateboards. So, we thought it would be good to include him in the skateboard.   
Follow the procedures below to make your own Skateboard.


One Circular Wooden Board
1 Action Figure                     
1 Straw piece                         
1 Pencil                                 
1 Saw                                    
1 Sandpaper                          
1 Hot Glue Gun                    
1 Paintbrush                          
          1 Can of Brown Paint                     
1 Can of White Paint            


1. Trace a shape of a skateboard on the Circular Board using the Pencil.  
2. Saw along the lines on the Circular Board.                                            
3. Sandpaper the edges of the board.                                                          
4. Hot Glue Gun the wheels on the bottom of the board.                           
5.Paint the board and let it dry.                                                                   
6. Hot Glue gun the action figure.                                                              
7. Sandpaper the board to give a wooden plank colour.                             
8. Paint the bottom white.                                                                           

Monday, 3 December 2018

Creative Writing

In the above presentation, I wrote a paragraph on three topics like what would I do if I had unlimited legos for 48 hours, and what a villain would do of he took a day off.

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Maui and the Sun

In the above document, I reviewed a film presented in Manaiakalani Film Festival 2017, Maui and the Sun

The Portal FIlm Review

In the Above document, I wrote the review of Manaikalani Film Festival 2018's movie, The Portal

Skiing in Afghanistan Review

In the above Presentation, I wrote a review for the article 'Skiing in Afghanistan'

Scandalous Satire

In the above presentation, I solved some Satire related questions

Explanation Template - Graffiti Writing

In the above document, I made some points on my graffiti writing

Satire on Justin Bieber

In the above presentation, I made a satire on Justin Boeber

Explanation Template

In the above document, I wrote 3 paragraphs on What makes a good leader


In the above document, I solved some algebra questions

Riveting Revision

In the above document, I solved some long revision questions

Average Looking

In the above presentation, I solved some average related questions

In the above presentation, I solved some probability related questions

Treasure Hunt

In the above photo, I tried solving some Treasure Hunting, coordinates related questions

Paint Cans

In the above Presentation, I solved some ratio problems.

Part 2 - Ratios

In the above presentation, I solved

Transformation Style!

In the above presentation, I learned about different styles of transformation.

Transformation 1

Maanas' Revision

In the above presentation, I solved some fractions, decimals and times questions.

Practise Maths Test 1

In the above Presentation, I solved maths question of different sub- subjects like Addition, Subtraction and Division

Practise Test 2

In the above presentation, I solved some Practise Questions 2


In the above presentation, I solved 4 data problems.

Practise Problems

In the above presentation, I solved some Practise problems in maths

Ratios Part 2

In the above presentation, I solved 5 extra ratio problems that were easy at start but the last question was the hardest of them all

My work on BEDMAS and Algebra

In the above presentation I solved some questions of BEDMAS with Algebra. They were not hard once you know the right order.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Scandalous Satire

In the above presentation I solved some questions based on some factual and satirical articles posted on Google and also are very humorous

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Ratio Work

In the above presentation, I solved 10 ratio problems that very good and I really enjoyed solving them.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Probability Extra Questions

In the above google slides document I solved 5 questions regarding the topic of probability. They were not hard once you got the grip of solving the first two questions.

Monday, 5 November 2018

My artwork

The above artwork was made by me during my inquiry class at Mr.Wiseman's class in Room 1. I made this drawing step by step as shown in the board and now I am proud of this drawing as it looks very realistic and similar to the one shown to my class.

Thursday, 1 November 2018


In the above presentation I read some comprehensions and solved the questions based on them. It was a very interesting presentation and the questions got harder as I went on but at the end everything went well.

Wednesday, 31 October 2018



Do you know what graffiti is? Well graffiti is a piece of art on a wall of a building or a shop or sometimes even in the walls of house. Nowadays, Graffitis are used to change communities.

Graffitis are bringing people together as artists need the help of other artists to complete one big project. Also the places look better with graffitis so more people try to come to that place and it makes people happy and also more people get job to make a big project. Nowadays, graffitis are a creative way to advertise a place. It also gives a sense of pride to the community as graffitis make communities look better.

After making a graffiti everybody is happy including the artist as he is proud of his graffiti, the people because their home looks better and the tourists because they can take pictures and show their friends that they visited a place with a lot of graffitis and that is how graffiti can change our community.

In the above writing, I wrote about how Graffiti and street art can change our community.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Welcome to my new blog.  
Visit regularly to check out what I have been learning.